I’m having a problem with importing buttons within an .swf into another .swf while still keeping the properties of the button such as the up, down, over, and hit properties. They just won’t keep and I’m currently unsure how to proceed any further. I’ve tried to turn it into a symbol then when that didn’t work I broke it apart.
First question: where are you getting the swf’s?
secondly, what menu options are you using to import the object?
If you’re getting them from dreamweaver’s special swf library of buttons there may be some trick to getting them to import properly. I’ve never been able to do it myself.
if possible, could you send the swf button and the FLA that you’re attempting to import it into, to xdhaisley@centerspin.com (without the x at the beginning). If not, I’ll just have to have you keep trying various options.
I’m exporting the .swf from the local area within the folder, so that it would be simple to find. However, it imports as a movie clip symbol and cast out all the properties of the buttons that I had created from an external .fla file and published it to .swf.
Explanation of setup:
What I did was, I’m using one flash file as the foundation to add in all the condements and necessities for my site. The only thing I have created in the foundation is the background movie clip. Then when I thought I was going to simplify things by creating the menu and then importing it through File>Import, it ended up importing as a movie symbol. So I’m lost right now, but I’m thinking of using the loadmovie action to import the menu bar into the foundation. If you can solve my problem though, if I haven’t solved it with the loadMovie, please add a thread in regards to this certain frustration or e-mail me: