Hi it me again!
The same button different problem. :thumb:
I have a rollout effect on the button. But its not doing what i want it to do
The code:
stop ();
this.onEnterFrame = function(){
if(rewind == true){
this.onRollOver = function(){
this.onRollOut = function(){
rewind = true;
this.onRelease = function(){
The test i made is here http://img479.imageshack.us/my.php?image=buttonfun6oq.swf
Its starts off like i want it to. But if you play around with it for a while i stops working. When you rollover the button, its supposed to change color right away. And when you rollout its supposed to fade back to its orignal color. Anyone know whats wrong here. Would really be great.
extra bonus question!:
Whats the code for a button to change color after its been pressed and stay that way? f.eks. Blue at first then press it it turns purple…
Thank you