Hello, I’m new to Flash and am looking to use the following tutorial to create an advanced button. I know it is probably a very simple fix, I just cannot figure it out.
In the tutorial the rollover and onrelease has the following script
[COLOR=#0000d0]this[/COLOR].[COLOR=#0000d0]onRollOut[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]=[/COLOR] [COLOR=#006610]function[/COLOR]COLOR=#0000ff{[/COLOR] [COLOR=#000050]rewind[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]=[/COLOR] [COLOR=#006610]true[/COLOR]; [COLOR=#0000ff]}[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000d0]this[/COLOR].[COLOR=#0000d0]onRelease[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]=[/COLOR] [COLOR=#006610]function[/COLOR]COLOR=#0000ff{[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000d0]getURL[/COLOR]COLOR=#0000ff[/COLOR]; [COLOR=#0000ff]}[/COLOR]
I have tried to change the on.Release command to go to and play another frame in to movie instead of opening a new url. But I’m not getting it to work correctly.
Any advice on making this work?