Button troubles!

hey all,

really despirate for some help as a deadline is closing in and this is all thats in my way!!

ok i have made a button, and wat i want it to do, is when u rollover is, it goes to and plays(2) and then stops at frame 11 and when it rolloouts it plays frame 12 where it then looks to frame one and stops, I can do all that, but i want to add a sub menu on frame 11, and i want the buttons rollout funtion to be canceled if the sub menu is hit, and then if either the sub menu movie button or main button is rolled out then it goes to frame 12.

this is my script: I have also put a stop() script on frame 10 and 11 and one frame 1

telecom_bt.onRollOver = function(){
if (submenu.rollOver){
}else if(telecom_bt.rollOut){

thank you so much.

fla is here: www.mostique.com/nav.fla.zip
