Buttons affecting ex. swf files in containers


Im standing infront of a big problem…

The sitiuation is like this:

I have the mainmovie, with to different containers for loading swf files in. And in the “main” container i load a swf file with 3 buttons. The buttons should change the swf file in the other container on the mainmovie.
But nothing happens…

Im using the same AS as in the toturial/help file on the site.
I’ve allso added a nice little preloader to the swf i wanna load.=).
On the external swf files the 3 buttons should load, i just have a fade in/out picture. Maybe there is a easyer way, or another AS that could do the thing!?

I don’t know… I suck at Flash :stuck_out_tongue:

thx for all given help! I need it :wink: