I have just started messing around with flash. I am trying to make a very simple website, it has 4 buttons and 4 sets or text. you have home, about, camp and contact. when someone clicks on the text i want the corrent text to display. My code 2.0 :
menu = ["home", "about", "camp", "contact"];
var current = menu[0];
for (var i = 0; i<menu.length; i++) {
var b = menu*;
this[b+"_btn"].txt = b;
this[b+"_btn"].onPress = function() {
current = this.txt;
when i preview it it nows the buttons are buttons, but nothing happens when you click on them,.
Thanks in advance
my buttons are called
i gave them the same instans name
the text for the buttons is in a Mc called content