Buttons don't work in replay

Hi, I just found this forum and after a quick look around I am sure that I can learn plenty here. I am new to actionScript and have much to learn. I am running out of time to solve this problem. I hope someone can help.

I have created a simple little game for a class. It all works perfectly…except that after the first play…after the replay button is clicked the music control buttons, volume up and down, Sound stop and play all stop working. I am afraid I am lost. I think it needs to be fixed in the function playSound()…I just don’t no how to fix it.

I have pasted the code below. I appreciate any help that I can get.

Thank you,

var bool:Boolean

var score: Number = 0;

var flag:Number = 1;

var myTimer:Timer = new Timer(1000);

var soundReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest(“music.mp3”);

var sound:Sound = new Sound();

var soundControl:SoundChannel = new SoundChannel();

var volumeControl:SoundTransform = new SoundTransform();

var flag2:Number = 1;

count_txt.text = “0”;

myTimer.addEventListener(“timer”, timedFunction);

insect_btn.visible = false;

timer_txt.text = “20”;

function disappear(e:MouseEvent):void

if (timer_txt.text == "0")
    launch_btn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, target);
    insect_btn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, disappear);
    insect_btn.visible = false;           
    count_txt.text = String(++score);


function target(e:MouseEvent):void
flag = 0;
insect_btn.x = Math.random()*625;
insect_btn.y = Math.random()*475;
insect_btn.visible = true;

function timedFunction(e:TimerEvent)
var tc:int= 20 - myTimer.currentCount;
timer_txt.text = tc.toString();
if (myTimer.currentCount >19)
insect_btn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, disappear);
launch_btn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, target);

function playAgain(evt:MouseEvent):void

soundControl = sound.play();

function playSound(event:MouseEvent):void
if ( flag2 == 0)
soundControl = sound.play();
flag2 = 1;


function stopSound(event:MouseEvent):void
flag2 = 0;

function increaseVolume(event:MouseEvent):void
volumeControl.volume += .5;
soundControl.soundTransform = volumeControl;

function decreaseVolume(event:MouseEvent):void
volumeControl.volume -= .5;
if (volumeControl.volume >= 0)
soundControl.soundTransform = volumeControl;
volumeControl.volume = 0;


insect_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, disappear);
launch_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, target);

btn_play.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, playSound);
btn_stop.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, stopSound);

btn_up.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, increaseVolume);
btn_down.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, decreaseVolume);