yo guys im hoping someone knows how to make it so that when you click a button it plays the animation sequance from one frame label to another, i.e 1 to 4 and stops but when u click another button it plays 1-5, with out stopping at 4 (all on the same timeline). If u get what im saying, then please, please reply with a post dudes and dudets. In saying that any related info will be greatly appreciated.
flash doesn’t work that way… if you are playing 1-5, then frame four must get played.
you should break whatever animations you are making into separate anims. for each button then call the anims. by their frame labels.
if you have a stop action on frame four, your movie will have to stop anytime it encounters that frame… comprende?
the only other solution i can think of is to have conditions on the frames you want the animation to stop at and check for variables which you declare on the button clicks. i.e.- your first button declares the variable “button” to have the value “first”, then you have an animation and on the first stop frame you have AS which does something like if “button” equals first, stop, else goto and play the next frame" (obviously not actionscript here). that way you can go down the same timeline and check at each stop point for which button has been clicked and proceed or stop accordingly… get it? good luck