I have a MovieClip that has startDrag(). Inside the MC I have buttons, but when I click the buttons it wants to drag. How do I make the buttons clickable?
I’d make a kind of handle to move your movieClip ( like bars on windows) or you can disable the dragging on rolling over the buttons.
I have encountered your problem before and the way i got round it was to do the following:
Make the movie clip you want
go inside the movie clip and then make the artwork a movieclip again.
add the buttons but put them as movie clips
add the codes:
//when the clip is on the stage...
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
//when this is pressed...
_root.onPress = function() {
//this will start to drag
//then the mouse is released...
this.onRelease = function() {
//this will stop draggin
the above code should be placed on the second symbol
stage>group with symbols>artwork symbol
//when the clip is on the stage
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
//if the mouse is pressed...
this.onPress = function() {
//if the mouse it pressed and moved...
this.onMouseMove = function() {
//start draggin
//set a global varable to true
_global.moved = true;
//when the mouse is up...
this.onMouseUp = function(){
//test to see if moved to true
if(_global.moved == true){
//if it is...
//reset the variable to false
_global.moved = false
//stop the drag
//do what you want it to do
} else {
//stop draggin
put this on the buttons
i have done this code countless times and it has worked for me, msg me if you need any help.
hope your problems are solved now,
Stupid Saint
download this and see the fla structure
add startdrag to the parent but onPress of the invisible button