Buttons in movieclip not working!

I made a menu that scrolls from left to right which contains all of my buttons for navigation. This menu is a movie clip. My buttons load external swf’s into a blank movie clip on the main timeline. The problem is that my buttons don’t work when they’re in the menu movie clip. They work if I place them on the main time line but then I can’t animate my menu… Help!

The code I’m using for my buttons:

on (release) {
loadMovie(“bio.swf”, “blank”);

Thanks in advance…



on (release) {


on (release) {

hope it helps =)

Thanks a lot, the second one worked! :beam:


or try using

on (release) {


yup … no problem :wink: =)

While we’re at it…

How would I make a button unload a movie that has been loaded into a blank movie clip? I would like to have a “home” button unload whatever movie is loaded into the blank movie clip.

Thanks in advance…


on (release) {


Thank you! :smirk:


you’re welcome :wink: :slight_smile: