Buttons & movie clips inside Scroll Panes

Hi. im new to flash. well, im intermediate.

i built a scroll pane that contains a movieclip with lots of buttons.

myScrollpane is my instance name of the scroll pane

myScrollpane contains thumbnail_mc - a movie clip that consists of about 50 buttons in a long strip.

I want each of these 50 buttons to load an external .swf

i want to them to load the external .swf into a blank, empty movie clip called targetMovieholder_mc

i have created a “test” .fla to test it - i call this .fla “scrolltest.fla”

if i use this AS on the buttons inside thumbnail_mc -
it loads the movie, but not in the desired targetMovieholder_mc
on (press) {

I do want to use levels so that the external .swf will play on top of my main ‘template’ site
and since it is not loading into targetMovieholder_mc - the movie doesn’t play in the right location. it registers to upper left.

however - if i use this AS on the buttons in thumbnail_mc - NOTHING happens
on (press){

its like loadMovieNum works, but loadMovie does NOT work.

and to top it off - loadMovieNum works in my “scrolltest.fla” == but not my real-deal project that i WANT it to work in.

i have tried importing the .swfs and controlling internally - but i cannot import the .swfs either.

is my syntax wrong -??-
what am i doing wrong here? this cant be that hard?!?!
