Buttons not working, completely confused! HELP!

I have created a movie with several different scenes. In the main timeline, I have created a graphic to hold all my buttons. In the graphic the buttons are located in seperate layers. Each button has a ON RELEASE event attached to it, and a gotoAndPlay with the correct scene name and frame number. However when I view my movie, everytime I hit a button, it automatically goes to the FIRST FRAME of the INTRO SCENE as if the onRelease event tells it to go to the first scene and play from frame 1. Anybody else have this problem? Am I missing something? I have created another fla file to check and eliminated the scenes and worked on the same scene using different points in the timeline and buttons work fine. What’s wrong? I work in Normal Mode when actionScripting. Please HELP! I’ve worked with Flash for a while, first time encountering this problem!