I looked around and saw no tuts on buttons embeded into movie clips so heres the case: I have a movie clip Navi_mc, inside that is another movie clip navimc which is animated for the slide out menu the site has, inside that are the 10 buttons, About_btn - Support_btn, etc, etc…
I added the normal code within the buttons on(release){gotoAndPlay(“About”)} to each of the buttons, ran the movie and the buttons neither mouse over or work at all, I noticed that the MovieClip apparently works as a mouse over due to its code on(MouseOver){Navi_mc.gotoAndPlay(2)} for the animation I will post each code so you can see, but I need the “Navigation” menu to have a mouse over extend out, mouse out retract but in, and contain buttons with mouse overs.
Navigation Bar code:
navi_mc.onRollOver = function(){
navi_mc.onRollOut = function(){
There is a Naviclip which is the animation to the movie located inside that Movie Clip
Button code:
I will post the Navigation Flash file thing if you may need it. Any help would be nice thanks in advanced, I’m an idiot lol. Obviously alot of buttons and such were removed to keep this small.