i was wondering whether i could be helped on something. Im quite new with flash so dont know that much.
I am creating a website at the moment using flash mx. At the bottom of each page is a plain grey navigation bar (converted to a movie). On rollover of the navigation bar, using shape tweening the navigation bar expands from the top and fades in 5 or 6 buttons. On rollout the buttons fade out and the navigation bar reduces down in size again. This is all within one movie clip. This all works fine aesthically with some simple actionscript for the movie clip, using OnRollover, GotoandPlay(frame that begins bar increase in size) and the opposite for OnRollout. The problem is when i do this, the buttons within the movie clip do not work and cannot be clicked on. I assume this is because the containing movie clip uses the on rollover command making it like a big button???
Is there a way around this or a better way to achieve this effect??