Hello, I have a flashmovie, in which a button moves around.
The button plays a sound on hit, but if I use the stop-command to stop the movie, and then hit the button, the sound doesn’t play anymore.
What Im I doing wrong?should I use another way to stop my movie? should add the sound in another way? (perhaps I could use an on(press){} action)
Hmmm, ok, after some testing, I figured out that it was caused by the fact that the movie unloads and another movie is loaded at the same level before the sound finishes and as the sound starts with a short silence, you don’t even here it.
Is there a way to avoid this problem besides adding some frames and let the sound play before unloading the movie and load another?
Could you clarify how you are loading your sound? Or are you placing it on a button key frame or mc timeline or the main timeline? Also is it a streaming or event sound?
I’ll try and help
It is an imported mp3-file. I made a button, added a layer and dragged the mp3 from the library on the scene of the hit-frame.