Bye (but not for long) pt.2

Not to rip off a thread title or anything:P

Well tomorrow I leave for Idaho to visit my dad and brother and such so I won’t be here for a couple weeks or so. I’ll miss all you guys :*(.
Everyone have a nice time enjoying a semi-spam free random while I’m gone.=)

Talk to you guys later:(

have a good trip =) we will miss you =)

hehe =) see ya soon man.

cya 28. Have fun in Idaho. It’s like the best state, there’s so much to do. You can grow a potato, or eat a potato, or go to a potato growing contest.

Are you going to look Morse up?

That is if you are going to the Boise area…

I’m sure they have a Dairy Queen, or Mr. Freeze ya’ll can hang in…


have fun! (take pictures of patatos!) will you ahve the net? if not i will miss you, wont be as much fun. but hey i will see you soon. i leave early 2m and get back mid-day cause i am bringin in my baby to the shop for a tune up (my comp that is, to young to have a kid) but have fun and never forget us!

you can visit morse :thumb:

lol everyone… didnt expect the potato jokes (:

me and morse were going to meet up but unfortunately he’s going fishing or something

rev-what’s with the dairy queen thing?

nali-or i could throw potatoes at you=)


ray-thanks tear

[edit, forgot ray]

what about your fourm???


will you have an internet connection where your going??

ahmed is going to be running the forums alex… breathe… breathe
and I will have internet but I will be spending time with my family so I won’t be on. I might just check my email every few days. That’s about it

ahmed’s administrating the forum, but 28’s going to try to get the lite version of his site up.

lucky ahmed, lol:P:P:P:P:P

lol alex… i hereby deem thee… mini-ahmed
your duties… pretty much nothing=)

unfortunately, in order to have an internet connection - you have to be in a town that actually has phone lines :wink:
[that would be the same ones with the indoor plumbing]

… usually the towns that have Dairy Queens qualify :beam:

inEdit:: I guess you’ll have the best of all worlds up there,
flushing toilets, intarnet, dairy queen … yeeha - must be boise [j/k] :wink:

sheesh you guys… harsh

Have a good voyag man. Hey, are you the guy whou created

Hey, are you the guy whou created


yeah that was me
why do you ask?

I don’t know, just wondered.

*Originally posted by nheet *
**Hey, are you the guy whou created **
you’ve gotta be joking right? right? :-\

keanu… its not that obvious… i think… yeah
