Well tomorrow I leave for Idaho to visit my dad and brother and such so I won’t be here for a couple weeks or so. I’ll miss all you guys :*(.
Everyone have a nice time enjoying a semi-spam free random while I’m gone.=)
have fun! (take pictures of patatos!) will you ahve the net? if not i will miss you, wont be as much fun. but hey i will see you soon. i leave early 2m and get back mid-day cause i am bringin in my baby to the shop for a tune up (my comp that is, to young to have a kid) but have fun and never forget us!
ahmed is going to be running the forums alex… breathe… breathe
and I will have internet but I will be spending time with my family so I won’t be on. I might just check my email every few days. That’s about it
unfortunately, in order to have an internet connection - you have to be in a town that actually has phone lines
[that would be the same ones with the indoor plumbing]
… usually the towns that have Dairy Queens qualify :beam:
inEdit:: I guess you’ll have the best of all worlds up there,
flushing toilets, intarnet, dairy queen … yeeha - must be boise [j/k]