C# Async Socket

Hi all,

Here is the thing, I’m writing a C# app that allows you to view the state of a little network. I have a master server to which any client can connect to and send data about itself. The master server collects all that data and sends it to the app I’m writing.

I need my app to just sit and wait for some incoming data from the server so it can update the display. But my problem is that, while doing that I can’t seem to get non blocking Sockets working. I can’t have my app “freeze” as it waits for the data.
I’ve read through the msdn docs and tested a few things, can’t seem to get anything to work. Is there an “AS3” way of doing it ? With events for instance…

I’m a little lost as to what I should use: Socket, TCPCLient, NetworkStream…

thanks :slight_smile: