C4D - Question

Alright, I’m experimenting with C4D, and I keep getting this little thing, (seen below) basically, when I have two surfaces intersecting, and a light set to “soft” shadow, it gives me this look sometimes. Does anyone know why, and how I might fix this?

i had this bug too, but it wouldn’t go away…

try changing the shadow map resolution to something much higher…

I’ve been doing that, but it makes the shadows smaller that I would like, and the problem doesn’t go away, it just gets smaller. Oh, if only eGeek was here.

can you post your .c4d ?

et le voilà! (right now the shadow map is set to 1kx1k, and I have an extra light hanging around that goes with an extra texture (the green one) that when used together make a really cool radioactive nuclear sludge effect.)

edit: the shadow map was originally at 250, when I took the picture above, since I’ve changed it, the problem has shrank, but so have the shadows, which is my problem.