CA Budget Cuts

like I said, dream world. It’ll never happen, not in my lifetime, anyway…

big word



nicely put Philbo!


Rev, how about you try actually readding what other people post. I never said Davis is all responsible for it, in fact I said repeatedly that our current problem stems most directly from spending from the past DOZEN years. Now doesn’t that go back in time past Davis’ reign? And as I said in my last post. Budget spending in the last 3 years of Davis’ reign was nearly double the state income. How can you call that anything other than grossly irresponsible? And that was in the start / middle of the decline. Phil, you are dead on, the fat needs to be trimmed.

…and there are plenty of places they can start BEFORE attacking programs directed for the citizens that can’t provide for themselves, Phil started the list quite nicely … cont’d:

State buildings are extravagently designed and furnished (here in Sacramento any ways) private companies spending like this when ‘out-of-money’ would soon be ‘out-of-bussiness’.

There are litteraly ACRES of unused state vehicles, (brand-new / never used) that were purchased for what ? … just incase they needed them ??? These usually end up at auction when they become out-of-date at an ultimate loss to the people of California

Why do Senators need chaufers and fancy limos … I don’t drive one :bad: … are they better than me ?

millions of dollars are thrown away regularily by the State printing office everytime the names / format / liking of documents change because they don’t run batches only when they need them

The list could grow endlessly

My only point (that was so missed) was that these guys target the unfortunate first.

If I ran my home like they do the state, at the first sign of money trouble ::

My dear old mother-in-law would stop getting her medicines
My kids would stop eating and wearing clothes
The heat would only work in MY office and bedroom

etc, etc