Arnold for Governer of Cali

Just found out, Arnold is running for Governer of California.

Its interesting but i can see future headlines containing terminator references lol =)

for $3500, we could run EG!


The movie Demolition Man (starring Wesly Snipes and Sylvester Stalone) was cast in the future. In it, they said that Arnold was already a president. He was able to convince USA to allow non-American-born people to become president. It’s interesting how this old-school 90’s movie predicted some political power that would sprout in ‘Ahnode’.

Sad thing is, it wouldn’t surprise me one bit if he won. He’s gonna get all the publicity cause of who he is, plus he’s got his wife. But as long as that hustler guy doesn’t win, i don’t really care too much :P.

why do you not like Larry?

he is for freedom of speach, and has a blatant dislike for politicians… we need that in California… a lot more than an Austrian born iron pumping actor…



I don’t think he will win. IT would be pretty cool if he did but I don’t think he will.

If Jesse Ventura can win i think arnold stands a pretty good shot. It could be a lot worse then Arnold. On the Daily Show they where interviwing some of the crazy’s that put in bids and it isnt pretty. Hell for $3500 and 65 signatures why not.

Theres also a pr0n start running who wants to put a tax on breast implants and have a pr0nos for guns program :beam:

I like the fact that arnold is running.

In his speach he said that there are too many self serving people in office right now and he is right - everyone is out to make a dime. He also said “as you know, I have enough of my own money” or something to that effect. To me that is great, he really doesnt have any other objectives, I would think, than to get the public to like him and do what’s best for the people.

Then again - I am just a small little eskimo so I guess my opinion doesnt count anyway… :slight_smile:

Arnold is the man.

I also think he will make a great gov. Thats also because is he my hero. I wish he was my dad :love:

Then, as a kid, the meaning of “Well my dad can beat up your dad!” would have been greatly enhanced :beam:

*Originally posted by senocular *
**Then, as a kid, the meaning of “Well my dad can beat up your dad!” would have been greatly enhanced :beam: **

No it woulad have been more like

My dads arnold and my mom is a kennedy…go ahead and swing!


Rev, I don’t like larry cause of his legalizing prostitution and drugs. I’d be against these things even if there was a good plan and system set up for them. But the problem is he doesn’t have a plan. He’s just a gimicky kinda guy saying, hey vote for me and we can do all this fun stuff, doesn’t matter if the state government collapses, we’ll be high.

As for arnold, he may not be smart (i don’t know if he is or not) but he’s got 2 good things. 1). he knows how to handle lots of money. He’s got millions and he doesn’t blow the money. 2). He’s a kennedy.

This reminds of my old high school elections for class president. Next promises we will hear will be free McDonald’s everyday and Pepsi in all recretation area drinking fountains.

*Originally posted by DigitalPimp *
**This reminds of my old high school elections for class president. Next promises we will hear will be free McDonald’s everyday and Pepsi in all recretation area drinking fountains. **


wouldnt that rule?

you trad that pepsi for coke and you got yourself another vote! Screw this diet :slight_smile:

hasta la vista, baby.

i coined a neat little phrase the other day, and i was quite amused with it… “Recalifornia”

what do you guys think? Am i cool, or what??

you are cool… for Farmersville…


and Nali:

As far as him being a Kennedy, that should make you want to keep him out of office. If not, do a little research on Joseph Kennedy, and his businesses…

and as far as him being a Kennedy, he just married a minor (politically) Kennedy daughter.

Larry has shown he can manage his money as well. He has also shown he is intelligent enough to win the battles in court. He doesn’t have any political biases, other than hating politicians in general. He would be almost untouchable in that sense…


also, the gov of Cal would never have enough power to legalize either prosititution or drugs. Still to controversial.


I can’t really judge larry too much, cause only news i really get about california is “Arnold running for election”. But unless he’s got a very VERY good plan for legalizing that stuff, i wouldn’t want him within a mile of the governor’s building. Plus, it’s not too hard to win a freedom of speech battle. Especially when heff did it before him :P.