I just got cable connection today and currently loving every second of it. The problem is that I have a TV Tuner card too, but the installation guy said it wouldn’t be wise to split the signal. Anyone know the result? I don’t want to buy a splitter unless I know what happens next.
Don’t you run your cable to your TV too? Wouldn’t splitting it to your tuner card be the same thing?
I do undertand that the more splits you have, the worse the signal gets, but I wouldn’t think it would disrupt a cable modem.
and have no problems … you could always try and both ways and see which one is better
Well, come to think of it. Don’t they split the signal where the line comes in from outside anyways? I’ll talk to some tech buddies and see what they say.
Also, I got a wireless network setup. It’s a 802.11g. The router is connected to my comp and the adapter is a 2.4Ghz Linksys downstairs. But downstairs only gets about 2Mbps. Is there anyway to increase that? Or do I need a more powerful adapter?
You need a more powerful antenna. Something that beams it out stronger ie. makes the signal stronger. SO you need a better antenna
Jee, didn’t know I can boost the antenna. It’s like 6cm tall right now. Any suggestions?
Buy a cheap roll of Cat-5 cable and run a drop to your computer. You’ll have a 100Mbps connection that always works.
I have a wireless router as well and ended up just having to run some cable…it was so much cheaper that way
Well, just guestimating, at least, 30meters of wiring. Worthit? I don’t think so.
amps for cable are cheap, just plug that in and it will amplify the signal and you’ll have 6 “ports”
For the coax or Cat5?
Well, just guestimating, at least, 30meters of wiring. Worthit? I don’t think so.
hardwiring is cheap (the stuff at least)…100 feet of cat-5 cable shouldn’t be much more than $20-30…add in a little more for the ends/faceplates/whatever and you have yourself a connection that always works.
I got tired of messing with my piece-o-crap wireless stuff that doesn’t work like the box says it should. That’s just my opinion on things, you can do whatever you like. I just wanted you to know that there are more (and better in my opinion) options out there before you go shelling out more money for something that may or may not solve your problem.
I’ll look into it. One thing I found out today is that the adapter is a 2.4Ghz. Apparently, all of our wireless phones in the house are 2.4Ghz, so when someone’s on the phone, the downstairs computer looses connection.