Cache issue with load external jpg

Question to all when you load a jpg with the loadMovie() function
Does it stay in the users cache once it is loaded?

If you removeMovieClip(); which will remove the jpg inside it and if you load the same jpg into another emptyMovieClip() will it load in straight away or does it have to load all over again because it’s gone out of the cache???


Any loaded movie stays in cache, but movies loaded in with loadMovie and whatnot do have a way around this…

Thanks for the reply. So if I removed the mc it was in and I loaded it into another mc it would not have to download again it should just appear straight away.

I want it to stay in the cache because I am loading photos as the user calls them but I need one to load and when it loads it fades the other photo down and removes it and then it fades the new one in to replace it.

So I thought I would have to have one image in a mc, then when the user clicks another button it would create another mc over the other and load the new photo into that. Then when it fully loads it will trigger the mc underneath to fade down. When that fades down it triggers the new mc to fade up.
The reason for this is because I am loading the jpg’s from the server.

I have done this where it loads jpg after jpg into the one movie clip basically overriding the old jpg but this has to fade one down and fade the new-loaded image up.
Is this the best way to approach this?
But if the user clicks on one of the same images again I don’t want them to go through the load of that jpg all over again.

I hope this make sense