Okay… My problem goes like this:
I have a main movie (which I refresh by means of a javascript allowing no cache and no offline use of that page), but it obviously is not working for those movies embedded within the latter, which I recall through a menu with the loadMovieNum order. My work is at Lullabyband.com
I have read your advice for this, that is to say the lines:
I have changed the name “myanim.swf” to the movie I want to load, but I really don’t know where to place them or something because is not working…
Could anyone give me more details on how to use that script correctly or else another solution?
The first line is just a variable that contains a random number.
The second line is the load movie code.
Wherever you currently have your loadMovie code you will put that stuff.
You must first clear your cache and then check to see if it works, since your files are already cached, the older files will still show, which means you are not viewing the ones with the new code.
Sorry, I dunno if I’ll look real stupid by asking this, but these two lines of code… do they go together? or should I apply them in different places or movies?
I already worked with the Macromedia solutions and they work fine, but only for those first movies embedded within the HTML, not Flash within Flash. Also the problem is not mine, but actually for all the rest of users (my PC refreshes them ok!).
Please, plz, explain me if those two lines should just go together instead of the single call LoadMovieNum(xxxx.swf, 1), or they should go in different places… like first line into the recalled sfw and second line for the call, in the parent movie.