ok basically i am assuming
- u do need the breaklines or else the information will be joined in one line?
in that case either
a) that is a way to represent breaklines from the xml file to the textfield
so simple just write everything in the description attribute and done!
b) there is no way that we know (i am a newbie too! hehe)
If you are really desperate, this is what u can do
add some more additional attributes to the event type
<event time = "1800" place = "down the street" cost="6 bucks" title="Test Event 1" description="once on 10 february" ... />
i have added time,place and cost attributes here
if you use this method then u need to do one more thing to the AS
go look for this line
rite infront of the title put the 3 attributes in like this
so that line now becomes
calendar_array.push({[COLOR=red]time:d.time,place:d.place,cost:d.cost,[/COLOR] title:d.title,description:d.description,startDate:d.startDate.parseDate(),…});
then to represent it in the text field u go back to edit the output_str
add a few lines of codes like this inside the for loop(you can format it urself)
output_str += eventsData*.time + "
output_str += eventsData*.place + "
output_str += eventsData*.cost + "
and u r done!

hope i manage to help u