Hi, I’ve been using flash on and off and I feel fairly into it,
but I haven’t done much action scripting yet. Well besides
the basics… stop, play etc. I think the most advanced thing
I made was a login…
Anyways, what I’m trying to get at is to create a calculator.
It seems simple, but what I’m trying to do would look something like:
(and this is really hard to type since I don’t know how i could do it)
I tried to write it out in here but it sounds confusing even to me, so
I made a small preview of what it would look like, just not sure how it
can work: sample
I have no idea how to manage numbers using flash… :h:
Edit v 0.1
I know it looks bad, but I just made it for an example…
and I apologize in advance if there is a tutorial for anything
like this, but I’m not even sure what to search for. (I did look in actionscripting
and mathematical…)