Calendar class with updating events based

I have built a class based on a calendar script found here on this forum. I have modified the script to work in a class and expanded on the calendar by checking each day of the month against a database to see if there are events on that day. (if there is an event, the day movie clip goes to another frame to highlight said day)

Everything works great… at first glance. The first time the calendar loads, all the days are properly in place and the Event.ADDED_TO_STAGES runs correctly, highlighting the dates with events.

The problem occurs when the user changes the month. Everything again works the way it should except for the Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE. This event only runs for each day the first time the calendar is loaded. Why does it not work after a user changes the month?? I’m getting so frustrated, i can cry.

package classes {

	//import necessary classes
	import flash.display.MovieClip;
	import flash.utils.getDefinitionByName;
	import flash.external.ExternalInterface;
	import flash.system.Security;
	// eventsCalendar Class
	public class eventsCalendar extends MovieClip {

		//* definitions *//
		//variables and arrays
		var currentDate:Date = new Date();
		var monthsOfYear:Array = new Array("January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December");
		var daysOfMonths:Array = new Array(31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31);
		var addMonths:int;
		var myDate:Date;
		var startDay:int;
		var nM:int = 0;
		var header_clip:MovieClip;
		var days_clip:MovieClip;
		//load date information into variables and start initial state
		public function eventsCalendar():void {
			//set variable to display initial month 
			if(nM == 0){
				nM = 0;
			//Run method to add header including month, year, arrow buttons, and days of the week
			//run method to setup calendar according to month
		//method to set header
		private function setHeader():void {
			//attach header clip
			import mcHeader;
			header_clip = new mcHeader();
			header_clip.x = 5;
			header_clip.y = 5;
			//set next and previous month button actions
			header_clip.lM_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, goLastMonth);
			header_clip.nM_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, goNextMonth);
		//method to set the month
		private function setMonth(nM):void {
			//create new date, get day of the week to start
			addMonths = (currentDate.getMonth()+nM);
			myDate = new Date(currentDate.getFullYear(), currentDate.getMonth()+nM);
			startDay = myDate.getDay();
			//ensure correct month
			while (addMonths > 11) 
				addMonths = addMonths - 12;
			while (addMonths < 0) 
				addMonths = addMonths + 12;
			//set month and year
			header_clip.month_txt.text = monthsOfYear[addMonths];
			header_clip.year_txt.text =  " " + myDate.fullYear;
			//method to set the days
		//previous month button actions      
		private function goLastMonth(event:Event){
			nM = nM-1;
			//change month
		//next month button actions
		private function goNextMonth(event:Event){
			nM = nM+1
			//change month
		//set new clip for days and add day squares
		private function setDays():void {

			//variables and arrays
			var myArray:Array = new Array();
			var row:Number = 0;
			//add days holder
			days_clip = new MovieClip;
			days_clip.x = 35;
			days_clip.y = 10;
			//add a square for each day of the month			
			for (var t:int = 0; t < getDays(myDate); t++) {
				//variables and arrays
				myArray[t] = (t+1);
				var dayNum:String = myArray[t];
				//Variables to pass on
				var yearNum:int = myDate.getFullYear();
				var monthNum:int = myDate.getMonth()+1;
				// attach square
				import box;
				var day:MovieClip = new box();
				days_clip.addChild(day); = yearNum + "-" + leadingZero(monthNum) + "-" + leadingZero(Number(dayNum));
				day.texter.text = dayNum;
				day.x = startDay *75
				day.y = (row+1)*65
				if(startDay >= 7){
					startDay = 0;
				//events for the day square				
				day.mouseChildren = false;
				day.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, dayOver);
				day.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, dayOut);
				day.addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, onDayReady(yearNum, monthNum, Number(dayNum)));
				day.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, printDate(yearNum, monthNum, Number(dayNum)));
		private function dayOver (e:Event):void {
		private function dayOut (e:Event):void {
		private function printDate (year:int, month:int, day:int){
			return function (e:Event){
				trace(year + "-" + leadingZero(month) + "-" + leadingZero(day));
		private function onDayReady(year:int, month:int, day:int) {
			return function (e:Event){
				trace("Checking " +day+ " to see if there is an event");
				//set variables
				var variables:URLVariables = new URLVariables(); = year + "-" + leadingZero(month) + "-" + leadingZero(day);
				//send request to php file
				var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("http://localhost/script/getEvents.php");
				request.method = URLRequestMethod.POST; = variables;
				 //load data into loader
				var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
				loader.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.VARIABLES;
				//attach event handler
				loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, dataLoaded);
				//error catch
				catch (error:Error) {
					trace("Unable to load URL");
		//method to handle returned data
		private function dataLoaded(e:Event):void {
			//set loaded variables into vars
			var vars:URLVariables = new URLVariables(;
			var count:int = vars["count"];
			var thisdate:String = vars["thisdate"];
			var race:String = vars["race"];
			//trace(count + ", date: " + thisdate + ", race: " + race);
			//if no data is returned for the date, do nothing
			if (count == 0) {
				//do nothing
			else if (count == 1) {
				//set date clip to correct color
				var calendarday_ = days_clip.getChildByName(thisdate);
		//methods to handle date management
		//add leading zero
		private function leadingZero(num:Number):String {
			if(num < 10) {
			   return "0" + num;
			return num.toString();
		//get number of days in the month accounting for leap years.
		private function getDays(date:Date):uint {
			return (myDate.getFullYear()%4 == 0 && myDate.getMonth() == 1 ? 29 : daysOfMonths[myDate.getMonth()]);