so, im no good at AS, but im very comfortable with PHP…and here is wat i am looking to achieve:
i want a calendar (where you can go back and forth in the months) and for every day in the month where there is an event going on (which is pulled in from a mysql DB), i want to display simple put a link in the day box in the calendar that says EVENT and user can click this to get more info on the Events going on for that day.
i know this is asking for a lot, but any guidance, help, sample files, etc. would be greatly appreciated.
I am looking to do something simular. Did you get any advice?
im close to figuring it out myself, but a little differently…
basically, i have a calendar in flash that pulls its info from XML files.
the XML breaks down like such:
<year = “2005”>
<month = “2”>
<day = “4”>
<daytag>Review Event</daytag>
<desc>This event is about nothing really.</desc>
<day = “12”>
<daytag>Review Event</daytag>
<desc>This is also about nothing.</desc>
<month = “4”>
<day = “18”>
<daytag>Review Event</daytag>
<desc>This event is about nothing really.</desc>
<day = “29”>
<daytag>Review Event</daytag>
<desc>This is also about nothing.</desc>
Flash then parses this and displays it in my calendar.
The way the XML is generated is through a PHP script…it goes through my DB and creates the XML.
This way, I can also use the XML’s for other purposes (ie populating other people’s calendars).
I’ll post my code up once I’m done and have it all down.
Let me know if you need any help.
Hope this helps.