Are you passing a function reference to the class so that it can be used as a callback in that class? In other words, you are telling the class what it needs to trigger when something happens in the class?
If so, I’d really recommend an EventListener system… that way you can avoid passing a function, and just have the class broadcast to listeners. Its a bit tricky if you haven’t used them before - but its a great thing to learn/use to get classes to “communicate” with other objects.
i did try that even listener and it worked but wasn’t that great or neat where as a callback function does the trick. i now need to give that callback function some vars to use. I know i can use {one:“me”, two;“me”}
but can’t get the dynamic function call to use them.
cool - yeah, using the evaluation is fine too… however, event listeners will start getting you prepped for as3 - its breathes event-based communication.
but, to pass args, you can simply pass your function two arguments:
var obj:Object = {a:"asdfasf", b:"sadfsff"};
then, within your class:
_myTimeline[_myCallback](obj.a); //obj.a would be reference to wherever/however you save that object - ie someplace you're setting _myCallback="yourFunctionToFire" - you can have _myParam = obj;
The thing is now it will allow a loop but will only do it twice before stopping and not carrying on. i’ll post my class so you can see. and the flash code to call the class.
it manages to loop through to the second key in the array then just stalls. The flash file doesn’t fall over it just acts as if its finished.
Any ideas why. ps sorry for the long post.
import mx.utils.Delegate;
class CollectData {
//class members
private var _tempXml:XML;
private var _tempArray:Object;
private var _sendDetails:LoadVars;
private var _xmlUrl:String;
private var _xmlLength:Number;
private var _subLength:Number;
private var _valueName:String;
private var _delete:Boolean = false;
private var _myCallback:Object;
private var _myTimeline:MovieClip;
private var _myProps:Object;
private function reset(){
// clean up after ones self
delete _tempXml;
delete _tempArray;
delete _sendDetails;
delete _xmlUrl;
delete _xmlLength;
delete _subLength;
delete _valueName;
delete _delete;
delete _myCallback;
delete _myTimeline;
delete _myProps;
trace("reset the collectData class")
private function loadData() {
trace('sort loadData')
if (_tempXml.status == 0) {
trace ("XML was loaded and parsed successfully");
return true;
} else {
trace ("XML was loaded successfully, but was unable to be parsed.");
return false;
private function sortBase(success) {
trace('sort base')
if (success) {
if (loadData(_tempXml)) {
private function XmlIntoArray() {
// converts ones xml into an array
var rootNode:XMLNode = _tempXml.firstChild;
_xmlLength = rootNode.childNodes.length;
for (var i = 0; i<_xmlLength; ++i) {
_tempArray* = new Object();
_subLength = rootNode.childNodes*.childNodes.length;
for (var a = 0; a<_subLength; ++a) {
_valueName = rootNode.childNodes*.childNodes[a].nodeName;
_tempArray*[_valueName] = rootNode.childNodes*.childNodes[a].firstChild.nodeValue;
// confirm everything is done.
trace("xml turned into array");
if(_myCallback != undefined){
trace('a function for callback has been given');
if(_delete == true){
trace('class has been reset');
public function CollectData(){
// Constructor function
_tempXml = new XML;
_tempXml.ignoreWhite = true;
_tempXml.contentType = "text/xml";
private function callback_function()
// set up array to hold callback prams
var propArray:Array = new Array();
if(_myProps != undefined){
trace('props have been set');
for(var i in _myProps){
_myTimeline[_myCallback].apply(null, propArray);
_myCallback = '';
* goData: loads data from requested URL
* @param url:String the url to use
• @param arrayReplace:Arry to place loaded data into
* @paran timeline:MovieClip to set scope for the callback function
* @param callback:String the name of the function to call back
* @param props:Object properties to copy to the LoadVars object
public function goData(url:String, arrayReplace:Object, deleteAfter:Boolean, timeline:MovieClip, callback:String, props:Object){
_xmlUrl = url
_tempArray = arrayReplace;
_myTimeline = timeline;
_myCallback = callback;
_myProps = props;
// decides if one should tidy ones self up
_delete = deleteAfter;
if(deleteAfter == undefined ){
_delete = false;
trace('delete data is set too '+ _delete);
_tempXml.onLoad = Delegate.create(this, sortBase);
_sendDetails.sendAndLoad(_xmlUrl, _tempXml, "POST");
public function set sendData(data:Object){
// set up load vars if needed
_sendDetails = new LoadVars;
for(var i in data){
_sendDetails* = data*;
public function get sendData():LoadVars{
// debug checks to see if load vars has loaded data
return _sendDetails;
flash code in movie
var receivingArray:Array = new Array();
receivingArray[0] = new Array();
receivingArray[1] = new Array();
receivingArray[2] = new Array();
receivingArray[3] = new Array();
var sendingArray:Array = new Array();
sendingArray[0] = '';
sendingArray[1] = '';
sendingArray[2] = '';
sendingArray[3] = '';
var sendBase:Object = new Object();
sendBase['area'] = "base";
function loop_load_data(i:Number)
if( i > sendingArray.length)
var nextCount:Number = i+1;
var base:CollectData = new CollectData();
base.sendData = sendBase;
base.goData(sendingArray*, receivingArray*, false, this, 'loop_load_data', {i:nextCount});