Calling a function in a different timeline

Hello all, I’m new to as3 and new to this forum, making my first steps in migrating from as2.

I have a question that I can’t seem to get my head around: I want to call a function that’s on another timeline.
Let’s say I have two MovieClips on the main timeline, called Movie1 and Movie2. In Movie1’s timeline I defined a function called MyFunction().
Now I want to call this function from Movie2. In as2 I used to do this:

  • this._parent.Movie1.MyFunction();*

In as3, I can’t get this to work. I tried casting:

  • MovieClip(this.parent.Movie1).MyFunction();*

but that won’t do it. I have a feeling I’m doing something very basic very wrong! Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks, 0.

Thank you LordMoyne for taking the time to answer this beginner’s question… I had a feeling that this was where I was going wrong. Though I’m afraid it’ll just spawn more questions, which I’ll bring up in a new thread…

Much appreciated,