Calling a pop up window from an external file

Hi All,
I’m a newbie to action scripts. Ok this is my question. I have a MC which calls a external text file In which somewhere in the middle i have few links. I would like to know how can i use these links to call a Pop up window. Or any other way to use links to call pop up windows in a scrolling external text file.


The following is the script i have used.
onClipEvent (load){
scrolling = 0;
frameCounter = 1;
speedFactor = 2;
daScroll = 73;

refreshRate = 12;
refreshCounter = 0;
refreshLastMaxScroll = 0;
loaded = false;


onClipEvent (enterFrame){
if( loaded ){
if(refreshCounter % refreshRate == 0 && daTextBox.maxscroll != refreshLastMaxScroll){
// refresh Scrollbar
refreshLastMaxScroll = daTextBox.maxscroll;
refreshCounter = 0;


if( frameCounter % speedFactor == 0){
if( scrolling == “up” && daTextBox.scroll > 1){
daScroll = daScroll + 5;
else if( scrolling == “down” && daTextBox.scroll < daTextBox.maxscroll){
daScroll = daScroll - 5;
frameCounter = 0;

onClipEvent (data){
loaded = true;