Calling a random function

Hi There,

My first post in here! (yes I searched first :D)
I am expirimenting with random stuff in action script,
I started my file in MX and got it working,
but now I made the switch to MX 2004, and for some reason it doesn’t work anymore…

I have a movieclip on the timeline and on random periods it calls a function, and this function calls yet another function…

so when my movieclip calls the first function it makes and calls an object from an array, and this object is used to call the second function.

so the movieclip calls the function:
function firstfunction(){
_root.someVariable = new Array(“BabyBlue”, “Green”, “Orange”);
_root.someVariable = _root.someVariable[(Math.floor(Math.random(_root.someVariable.length)*_root.someVariable.length))];
and there are three other functions below like:
function changeColorBabyBlue(){
some stuff in here
function changeColorGreen(){
some stuff in here
function changeColorOrange(){
some stuff in here
([“changeColor”+_root.someVariable ])();
this and the colorChange were/are working for flash player 6, but when exporting to flash player 7 it won’t work…
anybody any ideas what needs to be changed to make this work for flash player 7?