how can I send a parameter (Number) along with dispatchEvent, just like we were allowed to do with broadcastMessage(AS2):
how can I send a parameter (Number) along with dispatchEvent, just like we were allowed to do with broadcastMessage(AS2):
You can do that with a custom event - that’s typically how I deal with it.
Something like this:
import flash.events.Event;
public class CustomChangeEvent extends Event
private var _customData:String;
public static const CHANGE:String = "change";
public function set customData(value:String):void
_customData = value;
public function get customData():String
return _customData;
public function CustomChangeEvent(type:String, myData:String, bubbles:Boolean = true, cancelable:Boolean = false)
_customData = myData;
super(CHANGE, bubbles, cancelable);
You would then dispatch like this:
dispatchEvent(new CustomChangeEvent(Event.CHANGE, myData));
I could be doing that totally wrong, but it seems to work for me.
to pass just text u can use builtIn TextEvent
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