Calling frame labels from another instance

What I’m trying to do is, when I click either ENGLISH or CHINESE (buttons), the frame label “credit” will play, and the animation will continue.

However, I just can’t get it to work. Is it because they are in different instances?

download the fla here


use [color=red]_parent.gotoAndPlay(“credits”)[/color] :slight_smile:


no problem =)

I have a qn. Hope you don’t mind.

What if I was trying to call an animation from another instance NOT linked with the call (lang_text not nested within low_box).

just to avoid any confusions … try to target the movie clip you want to play with the absolute path

for example:
i told you to use _parent.gotoAndPlay(“credits”)
but it would work also if you use _root.low_box.gotoAndPlay(“credits”) [size=1][ just remember the instance name because you don’t have it in the file i’ve downloaded ][/size]

so if you have any problems targetting some movie clip, frame or anything try the absolute path and it should work

hope it helps :slight_smile:

I’m sorry, I don’t quite get what you mean by

[ just remember the instance name because you don’t have it in the file i’ve downloaded ]

I changed

on (release) {


on (release) {

and it doesn’t work anymore. I think I’ve misunderstood your statement.

Oh wait. I got it.

I was confusing instance with the library items.:beam:

yep … it doesn’t work because low_box doesn’t have a instance name

select low_box and open the properties panel
you’ll see a little input field with the instance name statement

here’s the file

[size=1][ EDIT ]
glad you worked it out =)[/size]