arrite i have a very crappy computer…and i only use it for the interent. arrite so hers the problem. eventhouhg i am not on the internet. in my task manager there is a program called iexplorer.exe running and whenever i try to close it another program opens in the taskmanger called foradminsoap.exe and quickly dissapears. i evenlooked for the foradminsoap on my pc and tried to delete it from there but it says it can close it because its running. can anyone tell me how to delete this file. the real problem is that since i have a crappy comp this programs takes up a lot of memo usage… soo any elp me pls
Hit Ctrl + Alt + Delete and close the program from there and then try to delete it manually.
I don’t know if it’ll work, but it’s worth a try.
dats what i just said i cant delete it from the task manager…
That post gave me a headache.
Also someone’s sig on this page pops up a password prompt.
yes same here
what the hell is ba.web??(thats the popup)
Oops, let me remove that.
ok back to the problem…so can anyone help me??
[ot]How bout now?[/ot]
have you tried the usual adware/spyware clean up ?
yes i tries adaware like 5 times
graduate to spybot … it clears much-much more
ok dat dindnt work either
i guess, on a windows pc, you won’t have much luck removing the internet explorer (iexplorer.exe in the taskmanager) since it’s the systems key software for more than just web surfing
about your foradminsoap.exe: i searched google and my system for that file but didn’t find any trace of it. even if you spelled it right, i have no idea what that could be…
anyways, if you want to clean up your system from unneccesary services get xp-antispy and remove all the stuff m$ installs on your system to get to know you better… this will take off some load of your ram as well
here’s a link:,com_remository/Itemid,26/
Boot into safe mode and find the ‘foradminsoap.exe’ file and delete it there. Or, go into msconfig and uncheck anything you don’t know.