Can anyone help me with this text scroller

Hi guys,

I have made a text scroller in flash however I can not get the text to scoll on my desired trajectory.

can anyone have a quick look at my AS and maybe advise me as to where I am going wrong.

here is the example I am working with:

//set my variable
targY = 0;
targY = 0;
//set the x position of my scroller
scroller._x = theMask._width;
//set the drag action of the scroller

//drag is restricted to the height of the mask
scroller.onPress = function() {
     startDrag(this, false, this._x, 0, this._x, theMask._height-this._height);
//stop the drag
scroller.onRelease = scroller.onReleaseOutside=function () {
//set the mask for the text
//the scrolling animation
theText.onEnterFrame = function() {
     //set the scroll amount
     yscrollAmount = (this._height-(theMask._height/1.3))/(theMask._height-dragger._height);
     //set a new target y position
     targY = -scroller._y*yscrollAmount;
     //set the y of the text to 1/5 of the distance between its current y and the target y
     this._y -= (this._y-targY)/5;
trace("yscrollAmount = " + yscrollAmount + " : scroller._y = " + scroller._y + " : targY = " + targY + " : this._y = " + this._y);
     //set the scroll amount
     xscrollAmount = (this._width-(theMask._width/1.3))/(theMask._width-dragger._width);
     //set a new target y position
     targY = -scroller._x*xscrollAmount;
     //set the y of the text to 1/5 of the distance between its current y and the target y
     this._y -= (this._x-targX)/5;
trace("xscrollAmount = " + xscrollAmount + " : scroller._y = " + scroller._y + " : targY = " + targY + " : this._x = " + this._x);

alternately I thought I would be able to achieve the same effect with a different script. I found this one on the internet, am trying to modify atm.

//+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ slider

scroller.onPress = function () {
scroller.onRelease = function () {
scroller.onRollOver = function () {
scroller.onRollOut = function () {
scroller.onEnterFrame = function () { = -this._y-30;

//+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ down

down.onRollOver = function () {
down.onRollOut = function () {
down.onRelease = function () {
	if(scroller._y+5<115) {
	} else {
		scroller._y = 115;

//+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ up

up.onRollOver = function () {
up.onRollOut = function () {
up.onRelease = function () {
	if(scroller._y-5>13) {
	} else {
		scroller._y = 13;

//+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ sliderBg

sliderBg.onPress = function () {
	if(this._ymouse>13 && this._ymouse<116) {
	scroller._y = this._ymouse;