Can Anyone Spot the Error?

The following is from an actual 1995 Boston Globe Artice:

Goldbach’s conjecture, after a proposition penned by Prussian mathematician Christian Goldbach in 1742, holds that every even number can be expressed by the sum of two prime numbers (thus, 20 can be expressed by 9 and 11). It has never been fully proven.
[size=1](no url - the communists force non-boston student types to pay to see the full text)[/size]

Can any of you spot the error in this article? It’s funny once you figure it out…for me it was funny at least :slight_smile:

[size=4][color=blue][color=black]If you think you have the right answer, use the [/color][color=black]Spoiler tag[/color] ( [.spoiler=intro text]answer[./spoiler] [size=1](minus the . periods)[/size] [/color][color=black]as to not ruin it for those who are trying to figure it out.[/color][/size]

[size=1]EDIT: You don’t need to know anything about Goldbach’s conjecture.[/size]

[size=1]EDIT2: The error is **not **that this was recently almost solved.[/size]