Hi all,
I would like to know about the following case, Can we conver or save the current HTML to PDF by using Flash Actionscript?
My idea is like this,I have a flash file which embbedded in the web page and in that flash file I have a button which called save_btn,and if clicked on the button,can I save the current HTML page to PDF?
And the following are my sample code.
//________________________M Y C O D E F O R B U T T O N P R E S S
_root.save_btn.onPress= savePDF;
//________________________M Y C O D E F O R B U T T O N P R E S S F U N C T I O N
function savePDF()
txt1.text="clicked to save PDF";
//getURL("java script:window.close();");
//can I put the code here to convert HTM TO PDF?
Thanks all, pls kindly help me out and thanks in adavance.