Can i hide SWF sourcecode?

It appears when opened with a text editor - all my beautiful (:q: :q: :q: ) actionscript is written out… Is there anyway to hide from unwanted eyes ?
Is this the ‘protect from import function’ ?

what text editor do you use? :!:

Theres no real way to truely hide your swf AS code as it appears in the swf file itself. The best thing you got there is ActionScript Obfuscator.

As for protecting from import you have File > Publish Settings… Flash [Tab] > Options: Protect from Import

though as I understand it there are ways around that as well.

Buraks (maker of ActionScriptViewer & Editor) offers an unprotector which even allows you to switch debugging on for free download…
Obfuscator so far seems to be the only choice…

Et bienvenue, je savais pas qu’on avait Grenoble en visite…

Hehe thanks/merci beaucoup !