Can marz or any of the brains in kirupa

make an inventory system that everyone can use for their rpg games that way all of us newb’s can stop posting threats about inventory systems. i have tried myself to find tutorials and nothing. i tried all of the tutorials websites that we all know about and nothing.

i guess a tutorial for art base and another tile base.

no offence man but if u cant make a simple inventory system then u shouldnt be making an rpg. There are MUCH harder things in an rpg than getting the inventory to work.

a goodworking inventory system will also contain a lot of the stuff that’s not associated with the inventory on the first view, but merged with it.
item details:
how will it be used (portion, weapon, spell, no use,…)
will it disappear after one use? what other details will it have…
what’s the base of the inventory system:
space, weight, both? if space you will probably want to create some grid, and the positions of the items have to be stored.
what if you find a new item? how will it be added?
how will trading work?

I guess the best thing is to write/use an inventory system that you can do/modify with your own skills. It will make working with it easier

non taken the help wasnt just for me it was a general help for anyone that might need help building one but thanks for helping everyone you go man…
and by the way i m half way done with my inventory system “thanks for helping me and every newb in here”-

never mind the thread just thought someone would help out

Allright first off…

Skribble… to a point you are valid… But at the same time… How else is one to learn? Not everyone can think of the possibilities of an inventory system and not everyone can just sit down and program one… Like mcGiver was stating… It’s alot of brainwork to think about… And making it dynamic as possible can be very difficult…

And… mixed… Relax… It’s very hard making tutorials like this because you have to be very broad and dynamic but at the same time concise and to the point…Therefore, for a good, easy to use system… You will just have to wait a bit.

I am currently creating one… But I am an extremely busy man… I have 5 clients to work with and countless other things to deal with… it’s not fun at all… But I shall get it up as soon as possible… :slight_smile:

=D touche (sp? - too-shay)

thanks a lot on note marz and thanks for been understanding…

That’s what you get for trying to touch-e my tooshie :smiley: