Hey all,
I’m a newbie to the forum, and I’m putting up a second prototype of what would be my portfolio webpage. I took into consideration all of the feedback given for my first one (In case anyone doesn’t know, or doesn’t know what I’m talking about, I will get to that at the end). The new prototype has a preloader (as opposed to the previous one, and man does it come in handy…thanks guys ) and is relatively easier to navigate than the previous, since there’s no runaround or hidden buttons (actually, they are hidden, but the difficulty to find them has been drastically minimized). Of course, this is just the prototype of the introduction to the page, and the content will be forthcoming. I figured that as long as I can get some feedback on the intro, I can make changes where necessary, and continue with what I have.
In addition, the concept has changed since I used the “NYC subway map” effect (For the record, I’m from Jersey…not exactly NYC, but close enough to the 5 boroughs). In actuality, I wanted to use this concept earlier when brainstorming for an idea for my webpage.
Now, for those who don’t know about my previous webpage prototype, here it is:
Now, compare it to my new prototype:
In case anyone wants to download the files for both prototypes, here are the links:
www.marxminexodus.com/the_goods (prototype 1); www.marxminexodus.com/prototype_2stuff (of course, prototype 2)
Any feedback (positive, negative, but more importantly, constructive) is GREATLY appreciated.