Can someone help me a little or alot

ok this is what i got…

some rollover buttons…

what i need…

is that when you click in the buttons i can load some text in an
Dynamic Text Space in my flash movie…

did i ask this right?..

if you understand the question :stuck_out_tongue: please help me thanks!

Best Regards.

-thediablo :smiley:

first you should do one of the tutorials to understand how to load dynamic text

here are a few on this site;

secondly, once you’ve learned how to load dynamic text you will understand how to change it.

there are several ways to do this.
one :: you can create different keyframes each with a dynamically loaded text box and tell the buttons to go to different frames

two :: you can change the variable in your load script

this goes on your frame to load the text

loadText = new loadVars();
loadText.onLoad = function() {
		scroller.text = this.kirupatext;

then assign something like this to the buttons


change the name of the file for each one you want to load.

i haven’t tried it in flash but i definately think you should look through the tutorials and i’m sure you’ll find the best way to do it that suits your needs based on your understanding of actionscript. if you’re a novice, then you should probably use my first suggestion which was to have different text on each keyframe and just tell the buttons to


i hope this helps


so with the on (press) action in each button. i can load the text
to the same Dynamic Text Field?

do i have to put the instance name of the dynamic text or something?

like loaText.load.INSTANCE(“text.txt”)

algo what formats does flash support? may i add html tags, to it?

Thanks for the help!

i believe you would have to specify the instance name of the object in which you want the dynamic text to appear.

flash will support html v1 that means no tables and no dhtml or fancy stuff. just basic formatting tags and anchors



sofor every button it would something like…



or where does the instance name go?

looks right to me.

try it and let me know, if that doesn’t work we can try to figure something else out


ok ill give it a shoot and tell you…

thanks for the help

im learning AS fast!!!

i think… :stuck_out_tongue:

nop didnt work…

o well…

any other suggestion