Can someone help me out?

I was wondering if anyone would be willing to make me a flash sig? I am new at Flash, and I can’t seem to make one that is any good, since I don’t even really know what all the stuff does on that program. If someone is willing to make me one, just PM me or tell me in this thread. You could also send it to me through email. If anyone is willing to do this, thank you very much. Sorry for making a thread about this.

Mr. Flash

What are you lookin for in design aspects?

also, get to work on the tuts here :stuck_out_tongue:

I have been doing most of the tutorials, the one I really can’t do on my own yet is make the full flash, basic site! :slight_smile: Im still learning the actions and stuff like that. Also, I guess the sig could have something like majeye’s, but maybe not as complicated. Just something that is red and white in color, and kinda represents my name. I’ll just leave it up to the person that wants to make it for me, since I will give them the credit.

I have some initial ideas in my head right now…

question is… Am I too lazy to make it right now…?

hmm… better play some Kingdom Hearts first! :stuck_out_tongue:

If Flash, heres a suggestion… make is small and speedy! god-forbid Raydred posts more than once in any given page… his footer brings my browser to a C-R-A-W-L. You have to conisider that there can be about 15 other flash footers on the screen at a time, that including the kirupa flash menu above ^ and the link to kirupa below v. So use a slow framerate and dont have a lot going on or some of us will suffer.

do like me:

make a footer that is static, unless the user choose to play with it.

that way it wont bug ppl off, unless they choose to :stuck_out_tongue:

*Originally posted by Guig0 *
**do like me:

make a footer that is static, unless the user choose to play with it.

that way it wont bug ppl off, unless they choose to :stuck_out_tongue: **

its not very fun for me :frowning:

*Originally posted by senocular *
**If Flash, heres a suggestion… make is small and speedy! god-forbid Raydred posts more than once in any given page… his footer brings my browser to a C-R-A-W-L. You have to conisider that there can be about 15 other flash footers on the screen at a time, that including the kirupa flash menu above ^ and the link to kirupa below v. So use a slow framerate and dont have a lot going on or some of us will suffer. **

Hrmm, I will mention that to him.

I am the one that told him to put it as a footer because it didn’t lag my system. Which is weird because everything lags my system…lol. And since everything lags my system and his footer didn’t, I thought it would be alright.

I will bring this up to him if he doesn’t see this first.

And Guig0: Your footer has been down for like a month for me.

Mr. Flash: A footer is supposed to show YOUR skill. But there are no rules against other people making them. Eilsoe has made Kitiaras footer, and Philberts old footer (of him eating the world), and all of Ilyas’ footers.

LOL :stuck_out_tongue:

I never even noticed that clear white block down there :stuck_out_tongue:

I just figured he didn’t HAVE a sig =)

LOL… Silly Eilsoe :trout:

Well, lostinbeta. I planned on eventually making my own sig, but until I am good enough to actually make a cool one, I wanted to have one that looks good. So I figured that someone may be nice enough and do this for me. So is anyone up for it? Thanks

yeah my sig shows off my MASSIVE skills…


Sen…your footer gives me the heebee jeebees everytime I look at it…:frowning:

Ive built an identity on that footer… I wouldnt be me if I changed it… plus Im :evil:

LOL…no don’t change it, I’m use to it…I’m just glad you don’t look like that in person, now that would be scary. :stuck_out_tongue:

yeah, despite the fact that those ARE my eyes, the whole me in person is pretty un-intimidating (and less purple heh) as youve already seen :slight_smile:

Yeah I saw your pic in the Tell Us section. You aren’t that intimidating.

Although your footer and avatar kick arse.

*Originally posted by senocular *
**its not very fun for me :frowning: **

damn server…:bad:

it shows perfectly for me, both im my home and my work. I dunno why you guys can´t see it :-\

i´m gonna put the footer in another server, dunno what server yet tho… is the URL for your footer, but when I go there it doesn’t exist.

but how can i see it below my posts?

no lost, it is there, but this server is free, and i was hotlinking a lot of files from there, but suddenly i can´t anymore. now they´re like geocities and others that you can´t hotlink… :frowning:

got to get me a server…

when i finish my personal page i´ll do that :beam: