I created a prototyped to format my flash form elements, namely the TextFields. It almost works, except I can’t get the
onSetFocus and onKillFocus functions working…It has something to with the fact my prototype is a MovieClip and these are TextField functions, but I cant figure out for the life of me how to make it work.
Thanks in advance
// ActionScript Document
_global.FormatForm = function(form){
this.form = form;
FormatForm.prototype = new MovieClip();
FormatForm.prototype.init = function(){
// --------------------
// TextField Styles
// --------------------
this.normal_border = 0xCCCCCC;
this.select_border = 0x000000;
this.normal_background = 0xEEEEEE;
this.select_background = 0x0066FF;
this.normal_color = 0x999999;
this.select_color = 0x666666;
FormatForm.prototype.format = function(){
for(var a in this.form)
this.form[a].border = true
this.form[a].borderColor = this.normal_border
this.form[a].background = true
this.form[a].backgroundColor =this.normal_background
this.form[a].textColor = this.normal_color
this.form[a].onSetFocus = this.selected();
this.form[a].onKillFocus = this.deselected();
FormatForm.prototype.selected = function()
this.borderColor = this.select_border
this.backgroundColor = this.select_background
this.textColor = this.select_color
FormatForm.prototype.deselected = function()
this.borderColor = this.normal_border
this.backgroundColor = this.normal_background
this.textColor = this.normal_color