Can someone help me with precision movement

I am down to about a hand full of hair on my head at this point.

The scenerio: I am trying to make a very simple flight simulator type of animation. When the user presses and holds an arrow key, things move/rotate.

The problem: If you alternate moving/rotating things in different directions, the location/rotation of these things becomes skewed. They seem to rotate or move more in one direction than another. For instance, if you play around with the animation for a while, the background is moved or rotated so far in one direction that you can eventually see the edge of the background movieclip. I have tried to tween these things back to the propper location but it just does not look good at all.

Can anyone please help me oput here?

import flash.display.MovieClip;
import com.greensock.TweenLite;
import com.greensock.easing.*;
var leftKey:Boolean = false;
var upKey:Boolean = false;
var rightKey:Boolean = false;
var downKey:Boolean = false;
var lrIncrementor:Number = .7;
var udIncrementor:Number = .7;
var rotateInc:Number = .005;
mcBeginMessage.btnContinue.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, handleBegin);

function handleBegin(evt:MouseEvent):void
 mcBeginMessage.btnContinue.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, handleBegin);
 stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, handleKeyPress);
function handleKeyPress(evt:KeyboardEvent):void
 stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, handleKeyRelease);
 stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, handleMovingStuff);
 if(evt.keyCode == 37)
  leftKey = true;
 if(evt.keyCode == 38)
  upKey = true;
 if(evt.keyCode == 39)
  rightKey = true;
 if(evt.keyCode == 40)
  downKey = true;

function handleKeyRelease(evt:KeyboardEvent):void
 stage.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, handleMovingStuff);
 lrIncrementor = .7;
 udIncrementor = .7;
 rotateInc = .005;
 if(evt.keyCode == 37)
  leftKey = false;
 if(evt.keyCode == 38)
  upKey = false;
 if(evt.keyCode == 39)
  rightKey = false;
 if(evt.keyCode == 40)
  downKey = false;
function handleMovingStuff(evt:Event):void
 lrIncrementor += .05;
 udIncrementor += .05;
 rotateInc += .03;
 if(leftKey == true && mcVertLine.x > 390)
  mcVertLine.x -= lrIncrementor;
  mcFront.rotation += lrIncrementor;
  mcBackGrnd.rotation += rotateInc;
 if(upKey == true && mcHorizLine.y < 549)
  mcHorizLine.y += udIncrementor;
  mcSide.rotation -= udIncrementor/2;
  mcBackGrnd.y -= 5;
 if(rightKey == true && mcVertLine.x < 503)
  mcVertLine.x += lrIncrementor;
  mcFront.rotation -= lrIncrementor;
  mcBackGrnd.rotation -= rotateInc;
 if(downKey == true && mcHorizLine.y > 436)
  mcHorizLine.y -= udIncrementor;
  mcSide.rotation += udIncrementor/2;
  mcBackGrnd.y += 5;
 if(mcVertLine.x >= 447 && mcVertLine.x <= 448)
 {, 1,{rotation:24});