Can someone help

Hi everybody

I have a little question

I want to make a flame in Flash, and I would like to make it “burn” with actionscript, but how do i do that? :q:

I think lost and syntax321 (or was elisoe?) had done somthing like that in the past. Try a search on this forum.


All right I’ll do that, and where did they do that? Flash Mx, or Random? or Battle? It would make the search easyer?

Anyway thnx :slight_smile:

Well the grey search button at the top helps to narrow a search…lol.

Well, I narrowed with that, and now I will narrow it more for you and give you a direct link to the thread.

The .fla file is in the last post in the thread.

PS: It was done by Eilsoe… I couldn’t create something like that to save my life…LOL.

after I spend my precious time doing a search fo didius, I find your post!:bad: :evil:


Thanks lost!

That´s it didius.

Sorry elisoe.


Thnx for the link and it is great, but

That’s not really what i wanted, I would like cartoon flames.

I’ll give an example, euuuuum

let me think, where have I seen such a flames??

Ah Something like those flames (once on the main menu)

Thnx :slight_smile:

Didiusthegreat, try this tutorial, it’s a candle flame, but you can easily modify it to look like Neostream’s flames. Hope it helps. =)

(can I call you that?)

Great tut! Thanks


Hey Guig0

(can I call you that?)

No problem. =)

Great tut. Thnx a lot elecrongeek!!!

Have a little problem?

When I put that flame in an MC, it doesn’t works anymore.?

Do you know why?

Ps: I downloaded the Fla

Hello? Can someone help??

It is pretty urgent, and I am serious stuck


*Originally posted by electrongeek *
**Hey Guig0

(can I call you that?)

No problem. =) **

Sure you can!

Thnx dude:)

gallery scroll
Hi lostinbeta,

How can you do that gallery scrolling that you have on your banner there?


*Originally posted by Didiusthegreat *
**Hello? Can someone help??

It is pretty urgent, and I am serious stuck

Thnx **

Sorry man, I totally missed that.:frowning:

Since I didn´t see your fla, I´m guessing that the references are screwed up now that you put the mc inside another one.

follow these steps:

whenever you have a need to refer to a object (mc / bt / dinamical text field) you can do in one of two ways:

1- Relative path (better but harder)
2- Absolute path (easier but bugier)

Let´s do on the easy way (absolute paths):

think how many steps you have to take to get to the object (that you want to refer) starting from the main stage. Ex:

you want to set the variable speed in the timeline of the smallBall mc that is inside the bigBall mc, that is on the main stage

_root[SIZE=3].[/SIZE]bigball[SIZE=3].[/SIZE]smallBall[SIZE=3].[/SIZE]speed = newValue;
(main) (parent) ( child ) (variable)
(stage) ( mc ) ( mc )

based on the tips above, read again the AS of your fla, and see if the references are ok.


O dear, perhaps if I give it, you can help?


*Originally posted by dysan_max *
**gallery scroll
Hi lostinbeta,

How can you do that gallery scrolling that you have on your banner there?

:-\ **