Hi everybody
I have a little question
I want to make a flame in Flash, and I would like to make it “burn” with actionscript, but how do i do that? :q:
Hi everybody
I have a little question
I want to make a flame in Flash, and I would like to make it “burn” with actionscript, but how do i do that? :q:
I think lost and syntax321 (or was elisoe?) had done somthing like that in the past. Try a search on this forum.
All right I’ll do that, and where did they do that? Flash Mx, or Random? or Battle? It would make the search easyer?
Anyway thnx
Well the grey search button at the top helps to narrow a search…lol.
Well, I narrowed with that, and now I will narrow it more for you and give you a direct link to the thread.
The .fla file is in the last post in the thread.
PS: It was done by Eilsoe… I couldn’t create something like that to save my life…LOL.
after I spend my precious time doing a search fo didius, I find your post!:bad: :evil:
Thanks lost!
That´s it didius.
Sorry elisoe.
Thnx for the link and it is great, but
That’s not really what i wanted, I would like cartoon flames.
I’ll give an example, euuuuum
let me think, where have I seen such a flames??
Ah http://neostream.com. Something like those flames (once on the main menu)
Didiusthegreat, try this tutorial, it’s a candle flame, but you can easily modify it to look like Neostream’s flames. Hope it helps. =)
(can I call you that?)
Great tut! Thanks
Hey Guig0
(can I call you that?)
No problem. =)
Great tut. Thnx a lot elecrongeek!!!
Have a little problem?
When I put that flame in an MC, it doesn’t works anymore.?
Do you know why?
Ps: I downloaded the Fla
Hello? Can someone help??
It is pretty urgent, and I am serious stuck
*Originally posted by electrongeek *
**Hey Guig0
(can I call you that?)
No problem. =) **
Sure you can!
Thnx dude:)
gallery scroll
Hi lostinbeta,
How can you do that gallery scrolling that you have on your banner there?
*Originally posted by Didiusthegreat *
**Hello? Can someone help??
It is pretty urgent, and I am serious stuck
Thnx **
Sorry man, I totally missed that.
Since I didn´t see your fla, I´m guessing that the references are screwed up now that you put the mc inside another one.
follow these steps:
whenever you have a need to refer to a object (mc / bt / dinamical text field) you can do in one of two ways:
1- Relative path (better but harder)
2- Absolute path (easier but bugier)
Let´s do on the easy way (absolute paths):
think how many steps you have to take to get to the object (that you want to refer) starting from the main stage. Ex:
you want to set the variable speed in the timeline of the smallBall mc that is inside the bigBall mc, that is on the main stage
_root[SIZE=3].[/SIZE]bigball[SIZE=3].[/SIZE]smallBall[SIZE=3].[/SIZE]speed = newValue;
(main) (parent) ( child ) (variable)
(stage) ( mc ) ( mc )
based on the tips above, read again the AS of your fla, and see if the references are ok.
O dear, perhaps if I give it, you can help?
*Originally posted by dysan_max *
**gallery scroll
Hi lostinbeta,
How can you do that gallery scrolling that you have on your banner there?
:-\ **
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