Can someone tell me whats wrong with this class?

Can anyone tell me why the delegation in the following class is not working? i just don’t get it. i really hate scope.

    This code defines a custom class that all the stage elements and buttons 

// Import Built-In Classes
import mx.utils.Delegate;
import mx.transitions.Tween;
import mx.transitions.easing.*;

// Class to Load SubStages
class buildSite {
    // Variable Definations
    var Container:MovieClip;
    var ContentLoader:MovieClipLoader;
    var Listener:Object;
    var Preloader:MovieClip;
    var setSeasonVar:Object;
    // Construction function to begin building of layout
    public function buildSite() {
        // Variable Definitions        
    // function to set the correct season and season navigation options
    private function setSeason():Void {
        // Declare Variables and correct scope
        setSeasonVar = new LoadVars();
        Listener = new Object();
        // Wait for data to be received then run handler function
        Listener.onLoad = Delegate.create(this, onSeasonLoadInit);
        // Begin loading the XML document.

    private function onSeasonLoadInit():Void {
        // Declare Variables and correct scope
        var i:Number;
        var numSeasons:Number;
        var thisSeason:String;

        // Set variables & display the data
        numSeasons = this["numSeasons"];
        thisSeason = this["Season"];
        // Check

        // Update text box
        _root.txt_tempBox.text = thisSeason;