for making games and tell me wt does codes do like one makes u walk etc
will you make a pact with me?
now seriuously, take some of the tutes here @ kirupa for start, coz what you´re asking is a bit complicated to just give you. You will need some basic-intermediate level knolege to make the proper adjustments, that you´ll need to, on you preoject.
Cheers :bounce:
The Outside of Society web site has some nice tutorials/codes/examples for creating Flash games.
The author, Klas Kroon, does a nice job at reviewing tile-based maps, map editors, obstacles, movement, jump physics, and isometrics. This is a great place to get started.
outsideofsociety is an outstanding site for flash games tutes, really cool =)
you migh try bit 101 too
Cheers :run:
thx guys