Can you help my footer look good?

If you look at my footer it looks very plain. Could some one help me ‘spruce’ it up? I’m experimenting with different backgrounds and fonts, but nothing seems right, I would really appreciate help!

  • Thanks :slight_smile:

have lots of that cool avator!!!

lol. Yea but then i’d be too childish, but I will add one. Thanks

  1. add colors. people looooove color (mariofan might be tempted to give his to you before he leaves Kirupaworld)
  2. make it bigger - you’re allowed 300x60, use it !
  3. make it a little more animated - static = boring
  4. try to make something that has a personality
  5. be original ! AS a bit to do some interactivity or set up random movements or little sound loops, just do something people wont get tired of looking at (this is a reason why i need to change my footer often)

wow! that helps alot! ive alrdy got some good ideas in my head! thanks mlk

Mariofans leaving kirupa ?!?!?! Why would he do such a thing?

oh he won’t :slight_smile:

hehe… my footer isn’t animated, or anything… and it’s not boring… is it?..??

i’ll make something,
if you give me some time.
i’ll do it today.

here is what i made.

Ok thanks! i dont know what it looks like right now cause im at school. but ill look into it as soon as iget home thanks! :slight_smile:

make it more interactive!!!

small things amuses small minds… ever heard that saying… its true!!! :wink:

colors are good!!!

hey mario - such a cool footer… :bounce:

eilsoe - very nice… i guess you are being different because everyone else makes animated banners… nice


that looks better!

cute piggies hehehe.

oink! oink!

Pigs! hehe. Nobody can resist pigs…especially when they are p!nk [no phuns, lol].