in my package I declared my vars
private var openedWindow:MovieClip;
private var window:windowMC;
private var myEmployeeClass:Class;
private var employee:MovieClip;
private var windowBTN:window_btn;
private var buttonHolder:Sprite;
private var windowHolder:Sprite;
I have a function where I attach my MCs:
Ex 1:
function blabla ()
windowBTN = new window_btn ();
buttonHolder.addChild (windowBTN);
for (j = 0; j < 10; j++)
window = new windowMC ();
openedWindow = new window_opened ();
window.addChild (openedWindow);
employee = new opened0();
window.addChild (employee);
windowBTN.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, windowClick);
private function windowClick (event:MouseEvent):void
for(var n=0; n<window.numChildren; n++)
var child = window.getChildAt(n);
trace("child: "+child);
// trace >>>
child: [object window_opened]
child: [object opened0]
Everything’s fine.
Now my problem is that I do not attach only one movie named “opened0”, but many MCs with names like “opened0”, “opened1”, “opened2” etc etc…
And as soon as I do so, the button click function won’t access any “window” child any more.
Ex 2:
function blabla ()
windowBTN = new window_btn ();
buttonHolder.addChild (windowBTN);
for (j = 0; j < 10; j++)
window = new windowMC ();
openedWindow = new window_opened ();
window.addChild (openedWindow);
myEmployeeClass = getDefinitionByName("opened"+j) as Class;
employee = new myEmployeeClass () as MovieClip;
window.addChild (employee);
windowBTN.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, windowClick);
private function windowClick (event:MouseEvent):void
for(var n=0; n<window.numChildren; n++)
var child = window.getChildAt(n);
trace("child: "+child);
// trace >>>
because window has no numChildren
Is there any way to access these dynamiccaly attached MCs like when I instantiate in Ex 1? Thanx a lot. Would be very helpful!
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