Cannot use LoadVariablesNum variables outside of textboxes

Does anybody know any reason why I can’t use variables loaded from a text file using loadVariablesNum anywhere but in the Var field of a text box?
If I try this:

*The loadVariablesNum (“textfile.txt”,0);
*it loads the text
*from the text file, and if I make 2 dynamic text boxes with the Var parameter as variable1 and variable2, they’d have “3.14159” and “cow” show up in them when I run the script. So I know that the textfile is being read and the variables are being loaded.
But if I try
in my code, and then put newvar1 and newvar2 in my textbbox Var, I get nothing in them. I should be able to assign the newvar variable the same value as variable1, but I can’t.
trace (variable1);
should output the text “3.14159” when run, but it displays “undefined” every time.
Every site I have been to says I should be able to access my loaded variable values simply by using variable1, or _root.variable1, or _level0.variable1, but none of these work any differently.

I can assign an instance name to the textbox and then assign a value to that instance name, and if I do that, assuming the instance name is “box”)
box.text = cow;
then I can get the textbox to display “cow”. If I try the variable
box.text = variable1
I get nothing.

Am I misunderstanding how this is supposed to work?